Data from: 2016-2017 2016-2017 2017-2018 2017-2018 2018-2019
District: Boston
The following survey questions concern perceptions of Curricular Strength and Variety.
No data is displayed for this measure because of insufficient responses.
Overall, how rigorous is the curriculum that you are expected to teach?
No data is displayed for this question because of insufficient responses.
Source: Teachers
How coherent is the curriculum that you are expected to teach?
No data is displayed for this question because of insufficient responses.
Source: Teachers
If one of your students transferred to another district with a challenging assortment of courses, how well prepared would he or she be?
No data is displayed for this question because of insufficient responses.
Source: Teachers
How well-rounded is the curriculum that you and your colleagues teach?
No data is displayed for this question because of insufficient responses.
Source: Teachers