UP Academy Holland

Data from:     2016-2017     2017-2018     2018-2019

District: Boston

Overall performance Scale

The following survey questions concern perceptions of Overall performance.

Insufficient Responses

No data is displayed for this measure because of insufficient responses.

Relative to what you know of students this age, how much effort did your students put forth in your class this year?

Insufficient Responses

No data is displayed for this question because of insufficient responses.

Source: Teachers

If student work from your classes was compared with work from "average" Massachusetts classes of the same grades/subjects, how do you think an objective observer would rate the work?

Insufficient Responses

No data is displayed for this question because of insufficient responses.

Source: Teachers

If an observer sat in on one of your classes for a week, how would she or he rate your students?

Insufficient Responses

No data is displayed for this question because of insufficient responses.

Source: Teachers